Jockey Club Men's Space is a three-year project funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and launched in November 2022. The funding has reached HK$16.36 million. The project aims to enhance men's awareness, concern, and motivation to seek help for mental health, strengthen community support for men and establish a peer support network and develop procedural guidelines for professionals to support men's mental health appropriately.
The target audience includes men concerned about mental health, men troubled by mental health issues and family members of men. The project integrates a stepped-care model, clinical intervention model, and male support services across six categories including individual counselling, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) groups, men's mutual support networks, professional training, interest and life skills enhancement activities and public education services. It provides effective early prevention and intervention services to the community to promote the mental health of men in Hong Kong.
Contact Information
Address:8F, King Palace Plaza, 55 King Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Telephone: 3188 0995
Whatsapp: 6891 0720