Pre-Symposium Workshop

"Building Bridges for Effective Community Youth Mental Health Services: Innovations and Experiences" (3 December 2024, 2pm - 5:30pm)


The Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association (HKMWA) & The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (MHAHK)




Community-based youth mental health services play a crucial role in supporting the well-being of youths, as they often serve as the first line of support and intervention. However, there are significant challenges and gaps that hinder the access and the delivery of quality and effective services.

This Workshop will bring together mental health professionals, researchers, practitioners and educators to share their experiences and insights as well as showcase their innovations. The aims are to inspire on the solutions and strategies in bridging the gaps and contribute to the advancement of community youth mental health services.

Programme Rundown

2:00 - 2:45


Community Youth Mental Health Service that Young Persons Need to Thrive (Tentative)

Prof. Patrick McGorry 

Professor of Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne;

Director of Orygen Youth Health and Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Australia

2:45 - 3:30


1 ) WeCare SOS: A Community Safety Net for Early Identification and Support of Youths Facing Mental Health Challenges

Dr. May Lam

President, The Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association

Ms. Luciana Li

Executive Director, Hong Kong Social Workers Association

Dr. Gloria Chan 

Vice-President, The Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association

Dr. Melody Xu

Research & Training Consultant, The Hong Kong Mental Wellness Association

3:30 - 4:00

Tea Break

4:00 - 4:45

2 ) Variety Butterfly Programme, a Child and Adolescent Programme in bridging the gaps … What do We Learn?

Dr. May Lam

Co-chair and Founder, Variety Butterfly Programme, Variety-The Children’s Charity Hong Kong

Ms. Monique Yu

Director, Variety-The Children’s Charity Hong Kong

4:45 - 5:15

3 ) Embracing Innovation: Leveraging Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technologies to Promote Mental Health Literacy in Secondary Schools

Mr. Tyson Poon 

Social Worker, The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong

Mr. Wong Kei Shun

Project Manager, The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong

5:15 - 5:45

Panel Discussion