Programme Rundown
Flourishing Mental Wellness Across The Life Span
4 December
5 December
6 December
4 December 2024 (Wednesday) pm - Opening Session
1:00 - 2:00


2:00 - 2:05

Welcome and Introduction

2:05 - 2:08

Lion Dance Performance

2:08 - 2:15

Welcoming Message

2:15 - 2:23

Officiating Guest Speech

2:23 - 2:30

Presentation of Souvenir to Officiating Guest and Vote of Thanks

2:30 - 2:35

Opening Ceremony

2:35 - 2:40

Group Photo Taking with Symposium Speakers, Sponsors and Supporting Organizations

2:40 - 2:55

Presentation of The 3rd Dr. Lo Wai-hoi Memorial Fund Award

2:55 - 3:40

Dr. Lo Wai-hoi Memorial Lecture 

Public Mental Health: Challenges and Solutions 

Prof. Dinesh Bhugra, CBE 

Professor Emeritus, Mental Health & Cultural Diversity, IoPPN, Kings College, London

4 December 2024 (Wednesday) pm - Youth Mental Health
3:40 - 4:25

Prof. P.M. Yap Memorial Lecture 

The Youth Mental Health Crisis: Megatrends and Solutions 

Prof. Patrick McGorry 

Professor of Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Australia

4:25 - 4:40

Tea Break

4:40 - 5:00

Plenary Session (I)

1 )

Youth Mental Health in Singapore - How the Healthcare and Social Service Sector Can Work Together to Serve Clients Better 

Adj. Assoc. Prof. Lee Cheng, JP

Clinical Director, Office of Population Health, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore

5:00 - 5:20
2 )

Epidemiology and Recent Development of Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services in Hong Kong

Prof. Hung Se-fong, BBS

Professor (Hon), Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5:20 - 5:40
3 )

Wellness First School Project and Student Mental Health

Prof. Paul Yip Siu-fai

Director, HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, The University of Hong Kong

5:40 - 6:00
4 )

Youth Mental Health in the Community and the Digital World

Dr. Chan Kai-tai

Clinical Professional Consultant, Associate Professor in Practice of Psychiatry(By Courtesy), Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6:00 - 6:20

Panel Discussion

5 December 2024 (Thursday) am - Adult Mental Health
9:00 - 9:30


9:30 - 10:15

Mr. T.P. Khoo Memorial Lecture 

Harnessing Lived Experience as a Recovery Resource 

Prof. Mike Slade 

Professor of Mental Health Recovery and Social Inclusion, University of Nottingham, UK

10:15 - 10:35

Plenary Session (II)

1 )

Community-based Peer Support Service for People Suffered from Severe Mental Illness in Chinese Mainland

Prof. Ma Ning

Director, Department of Public Mental Health, Peking University Institute of Mental Health/Sixth Hospital, China

10:35 - 10:55
2 )

COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health: Challenges and Progress 

Prof. Xiang Yu-tao, MD, PhD

Professor and Head, Department of Public Health and Medicinal Administration, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau, China

10:55 - 11:25

Tea Break and Performance

11:25 - 11:45
3 )

Psychological Flexibility and Prevention in Adult Mental Health 

Dr. Anthony Tong Kwok-kwun

Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong

11:45 - 12:05
4 )

Mental Health Literacy and Mental Health First Aid in Hong Kong 

Mr. Dan Yu Kin-sun

Chief Officer (Service), The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong

12:05 - 12:25

Panel Discussion

5 December 2024 (Thursday) pm - Mental Health of Old Age
2:30 - 3:15

Dr. Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture 

Prevention of Mental Illness and Dementia as We Age - Towards a Meaningful Aged Care 

Prof. Nicola Lautenschlager 

Professor of Psychiatry of Old Age, University of Melbourne, Australia

3:15 - 3:35

Plenary Session (III)

1 )

Digital Mental Health for Older People 

Prof. Sally Chan Wai-chi

President, Tung Wah College

3:35 - 3:55
2 )

Hong Kong - Vigilance and Memory Test: Paving for Personalized Recommendation in Cognitive Decline Prevention

Dr. Ada Fung Wai-tung

Associate Professor, Smart Society Lab, Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University

3:55 - 4:25

Tea Break and Performance

4:25 - 4:45
3 )

A Social Capital Approach to Promoting Positive Aging and Mental Wellness among Older People: Lessons Learned from the JC JoyAge, GrandMove, and Timebank Projects

Prof. Terry Lum Yat-sang

Henry G Leong Professor in Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong

4:45 - 5:05
4 )

Developing Basic Health Care & Good Mental Health among Older People in Hong Kong

Dr. Lam Ching-choi, SBS, JP

Chairman, Advisory Committee on Mental Health

5:05 - 5:25

Panel Discussion

6 December 2024 (Friday) am - Mental Wellness in Caregiving
9:00 - 9:30


9:30 - 9:50

Plenary Session (IV)

1 )

Strategies for Meeting Carers' Needs in Mental Health Settings 

Prof. Hector Tsang Wing-hong

Chair Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

9:50 - 10:10
2 )

The Mediating Role of Flourishing on Religious Faith and Psychological Distress: A Pilot Survey 

Prof. Marcus Chiu Yu-lung

Honorary Senior Research Associate, School of Health Sciences, Bangor University, UK

10:10 - 10:40

Tea Break and Performance

10:40 - 11:10
3 )

Carer Support Sharing - Heart to Heart Talks  

Family Carers

11:10 - 12:10
4 )

Carer Support Strategies - an Old Timer Interactive Platform

Former Leaders of Mental Health Social Service in Hong Kong

12:10 - 12:25

Closing Ceremony