Online Registration
  • Registration Fee for full participation in the Symposium from 4 to 6 Dec 2024

    Early Bird Rate: HKD $800

    Standard Rate: HKD $1,200

  • Registration Fee per session

    Early Bird Rate: HKD $200

    Standard Rate: HKD $300

  • Pre-Symposium Workshop

    Early Bird Rate: HKD $300

    Standard Rate: HKD $300

  • Student Rate

    Early Bird Rate: 50% off

    Standard Rate: 50% off

Registration Fee


Early Bird Rate

Standard Rate

Registration Fee for full participation in the Symposium from 4 to 6 Dec 2024

HKD $800

HKD $1,200

Registration Fee per session 

HKD $200

HKD $300

Student Rate (Pre-Symposium Workshop excluded)
50% off
50% off

Pre-Symposium Workshop on 3 Dec 2024

 HKD $300
HKD $300