Innovative Project
Jockey Club Community Integration Project for Mental Recovery
Project Brief

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With the generous support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, a three-year transitional support service namely Jockey Club Community Integration Project for Mental Wellness has been launched since September 2023 by The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong and another non-governmental organization, with the following objectives:

1. To promote the self-management and community integration of persons in recovery (PIR) from severe mental illness

2. To enhance caregiving skills and reduce the stress of carers

3. To promote social inclusion and enhance sector capacity in supporting PIR

The service target of the project is PIR, who are diagnosed with severe mental illness,including schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and severe depression with psychotic features, attending regular psychiatric follow-up, and fulfilling the following criteria:

1. Discharged from a psychiatric hospital

2. Living in the community, however, with limited social support and/or excessively idling

The project will conduct comprehensive assessments, intervene in the form of case or group from different aspects, including health, inter-personal relations, community living, and community reconnection, in order to fulfil the needs of PIR with SMI, their care-givers, and the society.

Contact Information

Address:Unit F, 26/F, COS Center, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon


Telephone: 3590 3670 

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