The Life Journey Companionship Project is sponsored by The HKSAR Government’s Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme, which is a 2-year project and the approved budget is HK $2 million. Our target participants are service users and carers of the service units of our Intellectual Disability Service. The project provides life and death education and training, hospice care and grief counseling to our users and their families.
The program contents include life education (training, experiential activities), individual counseling (hospice care and end-of-life services), therapeutic groups, life education webinars, memorial booklets and large-scale activities, etc.
Through the project, we aim to:
i) change the taboo of death for people with intellectual disabilities and their families, be strong to face death and improve their ability to fight against adversities;
ii) provide a platform for people with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers to share their condolences, and help each other and to turn them into positives;
iii) reduce the fear of death and the stress of bereavement for people with intellectual disabilities and caregivers, and; iv) allow people with intellectual disabilities to have specific plans and preparations for their death.
Contact Information
Address: Wing A & B, G/F, Tsui Heng House, Tsui Ping (South) Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Telephone: 2952 2627