MHAHK was supported by The Community Chest of Hong Kong to implement a three year project named “Development and Promotion of “Positive Behavior Support” Project for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (PwID)”. This project will develop and promote a competency-based “Positive Behavior Support”intervention model and professional training in rehabilitation setting for adults with intellectual disabilities. Training for caregivers to support their families with ID will also rendered. Aims of the project are enhancing the quality of life of PwID and alleviating their behavior of concern. Three-year project includes organizing professional and carer training, publication of practical manual and casebook, design specific forms and scales, supervision and consultation for professionals, organizing sharing.
Contact Information
Address 3/F, The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong – Jockey Club Building, 2 Kung Lok, Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon.
Telephone: 2865 4883